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Friday, November 18, 2011

Why is a Working AC System so Important ? -Information about Car

Think back, when is the last time you can remember walking through a car lot and seeing a vehicle without air conditioning. To even have the option nowadays you will have to make a special request to the dealer. Why is it, that air conditioning is a standard on all cars? It doesn’t make sense in some areas if you think about it from a cooling point of view. AC compressor units are heavy and clutch will steal power from the car when engaged. Why oh why would you want AC if you are looking for a very cheap car?
Air conditioning is not only good for cooling a car but it has an ability to get moisture out of the air. AC is air conditioning not just air cooling…in other words it has many uses. It is used to defrost the windshield as well as clean the air in the car as well.
People tend to think that running the AC is a gas mileage killer but it may be just the opposite. Running The AC may pull a few horsepower from smaller engines but opening the windows is just like deploying a parachute on the back of your car. While the AC may lower the efficiency of the car by 1 or 2% the windows can hit you with as much as 10%.
AC has one last great effect that opening a window does not…it keeps you cool. Opening a window may cool you down for a second but all it is doing is turbocharging hot air into your face. Once your car stops moving all that warm air is just that…warm air. So come on people increase the efficiency of your car by running the AC for a change. Not only will you be comfortable but you will be saving money too.

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