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Friday, November 18, 2011

Your Cars Air Filter, The Most Ignored Part In the Car

Many of us take our cars for granted, they work flawlessly for thousands of miles but we get made when a tire goes flat. Modern auto mobiles have sensor units for everything from oxygen sensors to the mass air flow sensor and will tell you when something is going to go wrong long before it does. All we really have to do is pay attention to the warning lights on the dash. The most overlooked and underappreciated part on a car is the air filter, working as a mechanic I can tell you it is really important. 
Imagine trying to breathe through a cocktail straw, it would be impossible and you may feel a bit lightheaded. Well when a cars air filter is clogged up it is the same thing for the car.  A number of times customers would come in with a complaint that the car just doesn’t seem as fast as it was. Only to have us open up the air box and find a squirrel had made a nest in there. When debris builds up in this filter it can cause the car to have reduced power and a rough idle. 

Air filters come on many types from cone filters to flat screen filters, the material that a filter is made of is also very important. Most OEM filters are paper based and should be changed every 30K miles, though most people go close to 70K between changing. Cloth based filters are much better and will flow air more freely, they can also be recharged by being cleaned and sprayed with oil. A good air filter is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to make your car more efficient. Better gas mileage and a bit more horse power can be expected with an air filter upgrade. Just remember a car is just like a living creature if it can’t breathe it won’t work.

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